Thursday, October 31, 2019

Law enforcement 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law enforcement 5 - Essay Example There are a number of considerable statistics related to domestic violence. One of the most notable recognitions is the potential that domestic violence incidents may ultimately lead to death. In this way it’s noted that 30% of all women murdered in the United States were murdered by intimates (Gaines 2011, p. 231). One of the primary recognitions is that in domestic violence incidents there is a strong tendency towards cyclical recurrence. These cyclical recurrences can then result in increased levels of violence that can potentially lead to death if police do not implement proper discretion. Another prominent consideration related to domestic violence is the Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment. Specifically, the Minneapolis domestic violence experiment argued that arrest was the most effective way deterring violence against women. The experiment considered statistics in Minneapolis within a six month time period. The findings compared â€Å"abusers who were either arrested, temporarily separated from their victims by the police, or given some sort of police counseling† (Lerman 1992, p. 217). The study indicated that only 10% of individuals who were arrested were repeat offenders. This is was the lowest rate among the three elements examined. While the Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment supports increased arrests, ultimately it seems that the most effective course of action is to not require that all individuals be arrested on domestic violence calls. While the Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment found that arrest was the most effective deterrent other studies have conflicted with these findings. Buzawa & Buzawa (1990, p. 150) indicated that there were significant disparities between forms and circumstances of domestic violence. Sherman himself, one of the contributors to the Minneapolis study, argued that it would be counter-productive to enact laws that demanded all individuals be arrested on domestic violence calls. While it

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Anxiety And Negative Emotions In Second Language Acquisition Essay

Anxiety And Negative Emotions In Second Language Acquisition - Essay Example This essay declares that language anxiety is an essential cognitive and affective component that influences almost all the academic and performance areas of foreign language learners inclusive of several skills in writing, reading and speaking as well. As there is strong correlation among perceived language anxiety and performance so it can be justified to acknowledge the relevance of conducting the study incorporating the analysis of anxiety during the second language acquisition especially for ESL students and employed are the methodologies facilitate in minimizing the anxiety and negative emotions. However, the anxiety influences abilities; however the study does not focus on the basic abilities pertaining to the mother tongue especially in the phonological, syntactic and the semantic regimes. This paper makes a conclusion that the considerations of the range of psychological variables either facilitating or inhibiting the efforts made by new learners of English, we should not fail to notice the issue of power. This stems out a cognitive-affective bias perceived by the international learner as the language comprising of a rich and powerful post-industrial society, in contrast, the native language may be perceived as less impressive and less respected. This perceived difference incorporating power and respect for native language in comparison with English language could be expected to worsen the psychological difficulties interfering with language anxiety encapsulating anxiety, low self-esteem, motivation, identity conflict, language shock and cultural shock, which the current research is not taking into consideration.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Relationship Between Architecture and Wellness

Relationship Between Architecture and Wellness ISSUE. The issue of today society on the relationship of architecture and built environment towards human well being is that the architect which is also the builder and the designer often neglected some proper considerations when they designed too egoistically until they have forgotten that architecture and its built environment has the direct impact on human well being. Too often the designer forgets that they design for human to stay in. It is after all for the people. It is understandable that aesthetic is always something impressive but functionality and comfort is even imperative than the look of the building. A research by Dr. Nancy Wells, an environmental psychologist in the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis at Cornell University demonstrates natural and built environments can actually affect people’s mental and physical well-being throughout their lives. This implies that architecture actually does affect human mental health condition, not only the building itself but also the design of the ambiance. In order to produce a design that links architecture and its built environment towards the human well being in a positive outcome, the designer would have to be clear of certain statement such as the look of the building space and how it feels like to design a space that promote psychological and social well-being. Besides that, how would the design and the built environment affect the senses, the emotions, and the mind of the end user? How would it affect behavioral patterns and sense of community? There is this one very common example to look into but not much of us actually take note of it; for research purposes, before we go into designing a real building, it is useful to look at some other useful examples such as ‘zoos’. Why is zoo stated here? In the past few decades, zoo design has gone through a radical transformation. Cages which is used to lock up animals in the zoo have been replaced by natural habitats and geographic clustering of animals. In some places, the animals are totally free running whilst the visitors are enclosed in buses or trains moving along the zoo. As a direct result, animals now exist in mixed species which portray their lives in natural landscapes. And, as in nature, the animals have much stronger self control over their behavior. They can either be on view or out of sight. They forage, play, rest, mate, and act like normal animals. The question for us to ponder now is the reason behind this transformation in philosophy and design? A key factor was concern over the animals psychological and social well-being. We all know that zoos keep animals alive, but the thing is they do not make them flourish. Caged animals often acted very rebellious and have neurotic behaviors such as pacing, repetitive motions, aggression, and withdrawal. In one well known issue, an animal psychologist expert was employed to do a research on a polar bear that swim for the entire day in endless in its small pool. Then the zoo keeper found out that this was apparently not the normal behavior of a polar. After few days of detail observation, the animal psychologist expert decided to do a diagnosis. The bear was confirmed to be bored. To fix for this unfortunate situation, the zoo added facilities and toys for the bear to encourage it to explore more and play. There is another case study done by University Putra Malaysia research student to test the human design on animal before testing it on human itself. Chickens are brought from poultry and placed in a terrace house designed for human and observe how they can survive well in there. Results showed that the chickens get weaker and soon died in the terrace house. We never know that our design do not even fit for animal, even animals like chicken could not live in a house designed for human, what more to say we are the ones that are suppose in stay inside. This can be clearly seen that the modern architecture field is sometimes conquered by certain group of people such the developer that are lack of awareness towards human need but instead most of them only look at the end profit they can get from the residential project. PROBLEM STATEMENT OF THESIS. From the above mentioned examples, there are lessons that we can learn that afterwards can be applied to building design. To produce a building design, we ought to look beyond survival to well-being. We can even build on primitive preferences and emphasizes more on connections to nature. Besides that, making health an explicit component of planning is critical. Apart from architecture design, built environment also has profound effects on public-health. Planning decisions made can affect housing design, parks, location of stores and schools, as well as factors such as traffic density and air and water quality. These characteristics, in turn, affect the well being which is the physical and psychological health for people of all ages. Constant change of environment has been the backdrop to our lives. But now the nature of change has changed. The changes brought about acquire us to rethink almost everything, including architecture and the design of the larger built environment. The preliminary predications are the environmental crisis afflicting the severely overstretched systems of our earth. These encompass the air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, sound pollution and etc. Besides that, the degradation and loss of topsoil and the diminishment of biodiversity to the point where the mass extinction of species appears inevitable are among the problems caused by mass unhealthy design architecture. And, most imperatively the challenge of all is the global warming with all its adverse consequences to be bear by the end users. The obvious alteration of global warming includes the change in weather pattern such as more extreme weather, climate- induced migration of humans and other species. The drastic change of weather and environment as well as global warming has direct impact on human lives so when architecture caused the deterioration of environment, it means it also deteriorate human lives because we cannot be tear apart from our living environment. These are the problems partly contributed by the architects, so it is time for the architect to ponder and produce design that is healthy to both the environment and the people. First and foremost, it is necessary to take stock of the current architectural scene, which in many ways is vigorous, diverse and feverish. However, until less than a century ago the architects seemed to be fine in designing buildings people are fond of and that aggregated into satisfactory urban fabric, any candid assessment must accept that piece, but as time passes, what is being built today has become pretty depress because it does too little to cure the fragmentation of our cities wrought over the last century. As architect, we need to be aware of what is happening to the world and deter problems ranging from the environmental crisis to housing the masses flooding into the cities of the developing world.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Ethics Paper -- essays research papers

Everyday we each face questions of what we ought to do. We sometimes ask ourselves, â€Å"What if everyone did that?† Every time you decide to pick up a piece of trash because you want the city to look nice, you are not doing it because of the aesthetic effect of one piece of trash, but rather what the city would look like if no one picked up their trash. Kant uses this everyday question in his system of morality as part of the categorical imperative. For Kant, the morality of an action can be determined by the categorical imperative. Kant would like to determine the morality of stealing, therefore Kant wants to examine the morality of â€Å"I will steal anything I want to satisfy my desire for it†. Then Kant rephrases the statement to ask the question of what if everybody did it, â€Å"Everyone will steal anything they want to satisfy their desire for it.† Then Kant makes that statement a maxim, a law which must be followed by everyone in Kant’s test world. Kant examines the world and asks if you can consistently will your maxim in a world in which that is a law? But if everyone steals anything they desire, how will there be property rights since it is okay for anyone to take anything at any time? There can’t. Since there are no property rights, the maxim breaks down since stealing only occurs when someone takes property from its rightful owner. Since there is a contradiction in the 1 conception of the maxim, you are prohibited from acting on that maxim. Imagine Ice Man, a cold, rational person that does not find inner satisfaction in spreading joy and cannot take delight in the satisfaction of others. Does Ice Man have a duty to help others when they are in need? Ice Man is wealthy and not in need of help from others? Ice Man wants to determine the morality of â€Å"I will not help others when they are in need of help.† Therefore, what if everyone did not help others when they are in need of help. Despite this being an unhappy world, there is no contradiction in conception in this maxim unlike above. But does it pass Kant’s contradiction in willing test? Ice Man is defined as a rational being. As a rational being, Ice Man knows that one day he too will be in need. Since he is a rational being, he will prefer that someone would help him and as a rational being, cannot will that no one would help other when they are in need. Since it fails the contradiction in willing test, ev... universalizing the situation and removing your own self interest, then we judge the consequences to our actions without prejudice or preference. By ignoring the question of â€Å"What if everyone did that?†, we can 3 justify murder, lies, and other unmoral acts that can hurt much more than we realize in the heat of the moment. If I leave a piece of trash on the ground when I am in rush or otherwise pressured and believe that is okay, that piece of trash on the ground means that someone else will have to pick it up and that other people will feel more free to drop their trash there.1 Many actions may seem to hurt no one, but in the aggregate do cause pain to others. By ignoring the question of â€Å"What if everyone did that?†, we ignore the infinitesimal effects our actions have on everyone we come into contact with it or simply feel the secondary effects. Therefore, the universal question of â€Å"What if everyone did that?† should be a part of our ethical thinking. 1I did an informal study on this in my social room last year with both dirty dishes in the sink and paper towels on the floor. The difference in dirtiness after an hour was impressive. Real studies have been done on this as well.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Brannigan Foods Essay

Strategic Marketing Planning for the Soup Division Brannigan Foods Soup Division is a 100 year old company with mature products which account for 40% of the whole soup market and it is the most significant division of the Brannigan Foods group. The most important category is the RTE soups which account for 78% of total sales. (Exhibit 2) Other products include Low sodium RTE â€Å"Heart Healthy†, dry soups and mixes and private label and Annabelle’s fast and simply. Annabelle’s was a soup company acquired 5 years ago in order to add healthier sups, dry soups and fast to the company’s portfolio, a growing trend in the market. In terms of costumer perception of Brannigan comparing with competition, Brannigan’s falls behind in the following: Health trends Diet claims Convenience offerings Flavors-especially popular regional ones Seasonal products outside cold weather Retailers perceive Brannigan to be: -Category leader -not innovative -less profitable than store brands and competition Over the past 3 years the results of the division have been decreasing and there are several reasons behind this: The whole soup industry has been declining for several years. The largest and most loyal segment of soup consumers, the baby boomers, which account for 20% of American population and are the main target, have been showing increasing concerns with processed food and high sodium content shifting to healthier alternatives. Increasing trend within working mothers who tended to prefer â€Å"convenience†. Bert Clark, vice-president and general manager of Brannigan Foods’ Soup Division needs to take action and present a plan to senior management to go back to growing sales within the division and increase profits by 3% next year, reversing the 1-2% declining turnover and 2-3% declining volume. With this in mind he has asked his key directors to submit a plan of action independently and now he has to decide which of the 4 proposals he will bring to senior management. The fact that Clark has his 4 keys managers working separately limits their assessment to each of their experiences and thus their proposals are narrowed to their field of expertise. Also, by choosing one particular direction may leave 3 directors uninvolved hence with a minor sense of responsibility. When making hard decisions it is always better, in my opinion, to have everyone on board. On the other hand it provides Clark with 4 proposals instead of one. Nonetheless making the 4 directors work together would have a provided a team solution and a broader approach to the problem. Now, by choosing one particular approach, Clark will have to find a way to involve all directors in this strategy. Looking closely at each proposal: 1st proposal Srikant Tipha, Director of the Simple Meals unit Srikant wants to strengthen the strategy of growing categories of dry soups, healthier soups and meal-in-pouch soups by investing $18 million on advertising and promotion. These products were a direct result of Annabelle’s acquisition, a smaller competitor Brannigan had acquired 5 years ago. Skirant wants to induce trial by increasing advertising; to provide coupling for new flavors: Gazpacho for the warmer months and Teriyaki for positioning in the fast growing Asian soups category. Pros: Focuses on growing segments which address health concerning issues and/or focus on the new flavors Cons: Srikant focuses his whole strategy on the new lines/products which account for 15% of the revenues of the division and completely leaves out the 78% which are the star products, or the cash cow and basically finance the new developments. 2nd proposal Claire Mackey, Director of Finance & Planning Claire focuses on the new healthier and more convenient products gaining territory in the market. Claire suggests the best way to quickly have a strong presence in these segments would be to acquire a small competitor with significant presence on these new products. Pros: Brannigan would very quickly be able to have an adequate response to new trends, as the whole operation is set up and products are already tested. By maintain the current brands, they would increase their shelf space. With joint synergies, the new acquired products would have a margin increase by reducing costs. Cons: Recent bad experience with Annabelle’s Foods although the project is gradually gaining track. It would take a large investment in advertising and promotion if they kept the acquired brands, if they changed into their own, there was a greater risk of cannibalization and of losing shelf space in big retailers. 3rd proposal Anna Chong, Chief Innovation Officer Anna feels that her department could develop new lines that meet the market’s new trends and that the company should increase investment in advertising and promotion for the new products already tested with consumers and investment in R&D for new products. Pros: the proposal addresses the markets new trends, avoiding the risk and investment of a new acquisition and all risks it entails. The new flavors would allow a price increase hence increase in margin. Cons: 1/100 products developed were actually launched in the market and reached Brannigan’s threshold for success. The costs of developing 100 products and launching 9 with only 1 to be successful are very heavy. Also launching products that may eventually fail means also costs for retailers which are becoming increasingly intolerant and more demanding for better conditions. 4th proposal Bob Pugh, VP Sales and Marketing, Brannigan Soups Bob focuses his proposal on the core products: reduce selling price to make the gap between private label and Brannigan less significant (PL increasing by 5%) . Also he wants to invest in advertising the products and wants to optimize the plants in order to recover losses due to reduction of selling price. Bob also wants to bring back a former campaign more appealing to younger generations. Pros: The aimed products are guaranteed successes and retailers will appreciate the strategy. Cons: This plan totally ignores the new market trends and price reduction could damage margin objectives as well as brand positioning. Looking at each proposal individually I think Clark should favor Bob Pugh’s proposal because it focuses strongly on the divisions main core, enables to increase gross margin by reducing production costs and increasing volume and there is no cannibalization effect. However, in long term this strategy does not secure the new trends which may or may not be the next cash cows. Then also noteworthy is the proposal by Anna Chong which goes in a very different direction but is as well an interesting approach. Anna, as the Chief Innovation Officer, focuses, not surprisingly, on developing new products, there is of course a large investment involved, but it does take into account the new trends. My last pick would be the proposal made by Claire Mackey, Director of Finance & Planning, since it represents a very large investment and recent experience with Annabelle will make it hard to pass it by the board. Her preference goes to Red Dragon Foods: Current Sales: $36 million Cannibalization of Sales: 0.45% (Mackey says 0.3%; Clark 0.6%): $13 million Estimated EBITDA $4.2 millions Estimated Cost: $29.4 million (considering highest price) Amortization + interest per year: 2.54 million (in 10 year period) Gross Margin: $16.2 million Gross Margin with cannibalization effect: $10.3 million Cost of A&P: $11 million Net Earnings in the First Year: -$3.24 million In 5 years: Estimated revenues: $75.85 million (growth rate of 2.5% for whole division) Estimated Gross Margin in 5 years (50% instead of 45% as Clark estimates increase of 10% I will be more conservative and just add 5% ): $38 million From the analyzed companies by Mackey, the emerging competition is mainly focused on the area where Brannigan’s is not as strong: health oriented products (MSG free and low sodium), new flavors (Asian flavors) and trends (Deli like). These yet small sub categories may well grow in the next years and this may pose as a problem because costumers will lose brand awareness, recognizing other brands as the Healthy soup or as the Chinese Soup. On the other hand, it will be difficult for new brands to try to compete with Brannigan on their strongest products and in which they are the unquestioned leader. So the natural strategy for new companies is to target the products where there is not such a strong recognized brand. This point must be considered by Clark when making his decision. Can Brannigan’s afford to leave these new products wide open or should he get his hands on this before it escalates? In my opinion Clark needs to take action on the growing needs of the market before it is too late. Brannigan’s Soup needs to lock its position as market leader in soups as a whole concept and not as a segmented market. Clark needs to address two main issues: maintain leadership in the classic flavors and keep up with new demands. For this he should bring in Anna Chong and Bob Pugh and have them work together in defining the new strategy. Bringing their proposals together the cons of each of them are mitigated. Anna addresses the new trends Bob has left out and Bob will secure the financing of the new products that Anna will develop which may become the next cash cows. Reinforcing the current strong products of the company is important but may not be enough in a permanently evolving market. A leader position requires investment in R&D in order to keep up with changing trends.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Indira Gandhi Negative Positive

negative Indira Gandhi  was the most corrupt politicians of all time . Her politics was so ugly that to remain in power and stay as uncrowned queen of India she imposed emergency in 1977 . She made extreme laws such as forcible vasectomy of men ( unmarried young men included ) to control  population of India  . She was an awful leader and one of the biggest criminal of all times . She ate away India financially and also caused a lot of mayhem . When Sikhs opposed her regime ( in worlds largest democracy ) , she turned against Sikhs .She attacked  Golden temple  on 6th june , 1984 , codenamed as â€Å"operation bluestar † , nonetheless to say that all so called sikh extremists were created due to effects of her evil regime . She was given her due punishment on 31st october , 1984 for attacking Golden temple . Because golden temple is just as important to Sikhs as Kabba , mecca is to muslims or vatican city is to christians positive The charismatic and epoch-making per sonality of  Indira  Gandhi  left her imprint not only in the affairs of her own country but also in international affairs.She belonged to that noble galaxy of great  leaders  who wielded extraordinary power. Indira  Gandhi  was  an Indian to the core but at the same time her vision went far beyond her own nation and embraced the entire human race. By virtue of being the Prime Minister of India, the largest democracy in the world, shewas  able to make a significant contribution to the practice of inter-national relations. She enjoyed well-deserved prestige and profound respect on the international scene. An attempt is being made here to highlight her role as an international  leader.Indira  Gandhi  was  introduced to international affairs at an early age. As the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru she  was  born and brought up in a family and environment where national and international politics were discussed all the time. Her illustrious father had taken car e to educate her daughter about all aspects national and international politics. This  was  amply demonstra-ted in Nehru’s letters to her daughter from prison which were later on published in a book form. In all these letters world history and politics have been discussed extensively.Besides, during the Prime Ministership of Nehru,  Indira  Gandhiserved as the official hostess to heads of states and governments at the Teen Murti House. She also accompanied her father in most of his foreign tours. As a result of all this she became quite familiar with international affairs. So after becoming the Prime Minister of India she hardly faced any problem in understanding foreign policy and  was  able to achieve success in this sphere within no time. Indira  Gandhi  inherited Nehru’s mantle and  was  credited with carrying out the Nehru legacy in foreign affairs.Following Nehru’s traditions, she championed the cause of international peace, disarmament , anti-colonialism and anti-racialism. She used the platforms of the Commonwealth, NAM and UN effectively. She not only preserved the rich heritage of Nehru but made her own contribution. She took certain decisions keeping in view the prevalent circumstances that resulted in raising the stature of India at the international level. Under her dynamic stewardship India’s voice  was  heard with respect in various international oranisations and forums.Indira  Gandhi  had no articulated world vision but had learned from her great father to identify India’s national interest with independent decision-making in international affairs, economic development at home and the exclusion of India and its neighbourhood in Southern Asia from either of superpower’s sphere of influence. Her policies were pragmatic, her dealings with foreign  leaders  unsentimental. Her pride, her sensitivity to equal treatment, her political skills in overcoming adversity—all hel ped to keep her government from succumbing to American or Soviet pressures on specific issues.She had a clear-cut perception of India’s strategic and national interests. She knew that in international relations power counted more than personal influence and that the strategic interests of a nation were far more important than moral principles. She followed pragmatic policies and her relations with the  leaders  of superpowers were based upon cold calculations. When  Indira  Gandhi  came to the helm of affairs, that  was  a bi-polar world. One bloc  was  led by the US and other headed by the Soviet Union. The Cold War  wasat its height.The nuclear race  was  on. Some relics of colonialism and imperialism were still there. Racialism  was  prevalent in some parts. World peacewas  under a grave threat. In the circumstances  Indira  Gandhi  followed the policy of non-alignment as laid down by Nehru. Very soon the international community recognis ed her as a  leader  who  was  committed to freedom and peace. Her role in the non-aligned moment  was  duly recognised at the Seventh Conference NAM when she  was  elected its chairperson in 1983 at New Delhi. This Conference  was  a historic one.The resolutions passed at the Conference reflected  Indira  Gandhi’s statesmanship and far-sightedness. Her most important contribution in the realm of world peace  was  the shaping of the NAM. Her able  leadership  provided a smooth sailing for the Conference. It also led to a better understanding of the common problems of freedom, peace and social justice for the people of the Third World. It  was  through this Conference that she made a major chunk of humanity feel important in the UN. Here she played a more dynamic role as a  leader  of mankind in the international arena.Her performance as the NAM Chairperson  was  superb and balanced, and it commanded respect not only of member-states but also of the superpowers. Her faith in the UN as the arbiter of inter-state conflicts and the most important centre for harmonising the actions of nations can’t be questioned. For, as she herself said, firm faith in the UN is central to the NAM. The aim is the same: to maintain peace by removing the sources of tension and to bring out the humanity in human beings. Indira  Gandhi  symbolised the Third World’s regeneration.Under her  leadership, Indian foreign policy matured from the conscious assertion of the rights and aspirations of newly free nations to a keen awareness on their part of their own responsibility in the global context. By refusing to sign the NPT she gained political credit for upholding India’s independence and for taking a principled stand against a discriminatory treaty. With  Indira  Gandhi  at the helm, India re-emerged in the South Asian strategic stage and her India recorded its ability and willingness to grasp the opportu nities of power politics in a regional context.She made a mark in the world as an unrivalled  leader  and a champion of the Third World. INDIRA  GANDHI  not only influenced history but also made history. With her extraordinary skills she balanced the superpowers against one another. 1971was  Indira  Gandhi’s finest hour in foreign and security affairs. Her skill lay in her intuitive grasp of the opportunity which the Pakistani rulers provided to change the geopolitics of East Pakistan. The Bangladesh situation gave her the opportunity to emerge as a military strategist and a diplomat par excellence on the regional and the world stage.With the clear and decisive victory India andIndira  were established as a major power and force in the world. Indira  Gandhibecame the international  leader. Her decisions and timings were applauded and hailed as perfect. As Henry Kissinger admits in his memoirs,  Indira  Gandhioutclassed and outmanoeuvred Nixon and Kissing er. It  was  a giant leap in international stature. The year 1971 represented the peak of her political career. She tackled Nixon on equal terms. Even her bitter critics were forced to admire her guts. For instance,  Leader  of the Opposition in Indian Parliament A. B. Vajpayee called her Durga.Another Opposition  leader  declared in Parliament: â€Å"Madam, you have created not only history but a new geography as well. † After the war  Indira  Gandhi  acted with great magnanimity at the Shimla Conference. She put India on the international scientific map by exploding the country’s first underground nuclear device at Pokhran in 1974. This signalled India’s nuclear potential and its unwillingness to abide by the nuclear rules of the superpowers. One of the important features of  Indira  Gandhi’s foreign policy  was  the close ties with the Arab world. It  was  during the Nehru period that the foundations of a sound and viable Arab policy were laid.The  Indira  Gandhi  era witnessed an allround development of Indo-Arab relations. Indira  Gandhi  always evinced keen interest in the affairs of the Arab world. Under her  leadership  India felt emotionally and morally committed to the national aspirations of the Arabs to gain a rightful place in the comity of nations. She always showed an abiding concern for Palestine which forms the crux of West Asian problem. Consequently, in the UN and in its various forums as well as in different Afro-Asian and Non-Aligned Conferences  Indira’s India supported the Arab stand on the Palestine issue.On her return to power in 1980  Indira  Gandhi  dumped the Janata Government’s pro-Israel policy into the dustbin and reverted back to the Nehruvian policy. She invited PLO  leader  Yasser Arafat to New Delhi and established formal diplomatic relations despite stiff opposition and strong pressures. She  was  called Gamal Nasser’ s niece, King Faisal’s daughter and Yasser Arafat’s sister in the Arab world. She  was  immensely popular among the Arab people who called her Alsayyida  Indira  Gandhi. Indira  Gandhi  reflected the restless spirit of mankind desiring to establish a world order free from human sufferings.She struggled for the creation of an essentially human order in place of one based on brute force. She  was  against all forms of domination and exploitation of one country by another. She opposed colonialism and racialism on the ground that these created tensions and hostility. She firmly believed that the adoption of non-alignment by a fairly large number of countries would automatically widen the area of peace and security. She advocated disarmament which alone could bring confidence and hope for survival among the peoples of the world.Indira  Gandhi  was  definitely successful in the international arena. She stood head and shoulders above the  leaders  of Third World countries in international forums and conferences. She  was  always in the limelight. Hers  was  the foremost voice for world peace in a tense and troubled world. She  wassuccessful in protecting India’s interests without succumbing to the pressure of superpowers. An increase in India’s economic and military strength during her regime made India an important regional power which none of the superpowers could afford to ignore.She made India strong and a leading country in the comity of nations, gave a clarion call to the world to save humanity from the nuclear holocaust, raised her voice against all kinds of exploitation. She displayed rare statesmanship in tackling international disputes. Indira  Gandhi’s role in guiding the developing nations of the world and her personal contribution towards disarmament and global peace were duly acknowledged by the international community. The image of India as a country which had to be taken seriousl y  was  definitely her biggest contribution.To sum up,  Indira  Gandhi  was  truly an international  leader. As the Prime Minister of India and Chairperson of the NAM she exercised a profound influence on international affairs and made tremendous efforts for world peace, justice and equity among nations Indira Gandhi was one of the most charismatic leaders of modern India whose ideas and activities touched different spheres of India's public life and politics and left an imprint on world affairs, especially, the Non-alignment Movement. She was the Prime Minister for over fifteen-and-half years.Born on 19 November 1917 at Allahabad to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Kamala Nehru Indira Priyadarshini was educated at Viswa Bharati University, and Oxford, and became involved in political life almost from childhood. In 1942 Indira married Feroze Gandhi. She became a member of the Congress Working Committee in 1955 and was elected President in 1959. She became a member of the Ca binet of Lal Bahadur Shastri as Minister for Information. In 1966 on the sudden demise of Shastriji, she was made the Prime Minister. Indira Gandhi strengthened the democratic structure and tradition of India.She had tremendous influence on the masses. Among the major achievements of Indira Gandhi as Prime Minister were India's role during the liberation war in Bangladesh including humane handling of refugees and winning of 1971 war against Pakistan. She gave direction to India's economy to reach the declared objectives of democratic socialism and greater social justice for weaker sections. It was under her leadership that the signing of Shimla Pact with Pakistani Premier Z. A. Bhutto and the signing of Indo-Soviet Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation took place.She nationalised banks, abolished privy purses of maharajas and conducted the first nuclear tests at Pokhran. The imposition of emergency rule in 1975 proved to be a major mistake that she realised later. Indira Gandh i was deeply interested in literature, music and fine arts. Various cultural institutions, performing artists, educationists, intellectuals received her patronage and encouragement. She was proud of India's cultural heritage and it was on her initiative that Asiatic Society, Calcutta received the status of an institution and national importance. She was conferred Bharat Ratna in 1971.Indira Gandhi passed into history when she fell to the assassin's bullets on 31 October 1984 at her residence. These assassins were none other than her own security men. As a mark of respect to the departed leader her birthday is observed as National Integration Day. what did Indira Gandhi do as prime minister? Answer:  ·Ã¢â‚¬ ¢.  · By virtue of being the Prime Minister of India, the largest democracy in the world, she was able to make a significant contribution to the practice of inter-national relations.  · Her most important contribution in the realm of world peace was the shaping of the NAM (n on-aligned moment).Her able leadership provided a smooth sailing for the Conference. It also led to a better understanding of the common problems of freedom, peace and social justice for the people of the Third World. It was through this Conference that she made a major chunk of humanity feel important in the UN. Here she played a more dynamic role as a leader of mankind in the international arena.  · Indira Gandhi symbolized the Third World's regeneration. Under her leadership, Indian foreign policy matured from the conscious assertion of the rights and aspirations of newly free nations to a een awareness on their part of their own responsibility in the global context. By refusing to sign the NPT she gained political credit for upholding India's independence and for taking a principled stand against a discriminatory treaty.  · She made a mark in the world as an unrivalled leader and a champion of the Third World.  · The Bangladesh situation gave her the opportunity to emerge as a military strategist and a diplomat par excellence on the regional and the world stage. With the clear and decisive victory India and Indira were established as a major power and force in the world.Indira Gandhi became the international leader.  · She put India on the international scientific map by exploding the country's first underground nuclear device at Pokhran in 1974. This signaled India's nuclear potential and its unwillingness to abide by the nuclear rules of the superpowers.  · She was successful in protecting India's interests without succumbing to the pressure of superpowers. An increase in India's economic and military strength during her regime made India an important regional power which none of the superpowers could afford to ignore.She made India strong and a leading country in the comity of nations, gave a clarion call to the world to save humanity from the nuclear holocaust, raised her voice against all kinds of exploitation.  · Indira Gandhi was truly a n international leader. As the Prime Minister of India and Chairperson of the NAM she exercised a profound influence on international affairs and made tremendous efforts for world peace, justice and equity among nations.  · As prime minister, Gandhi tried to improve the lives of Indians. With her neighbors, the Soviet Union and China, she improved relations.She also promoted science and technology. In 1971, India sent its first satellite into space. Economically, Indira Gandhi led India to become one of the fastest growing economies in the world toward the end of her time as prime minister.  · Being the first female prime minister of India and an influential leader; in a prevalently male- dominated society, Indira Gandhi was a symbol of feminism in India. As per economic surveys, when Indira became Prime minister, 65% of the population was over the poverty line, and when her regime ended in 1984, this figure was 45%. During her rule, food production increased by 250%.Literacy al so increased in India by 30 %  · Indira advocated and promoted equal right s for women and their social and economic emancipation. She instituted many programs for the benefit of the underprivileged and the handicapped. She laid great emphasis of the cultural revival of India, promoted crafts and encouraged schemes for the removal of poverty.  · The first woman ever elected to lead a democracy  · She firmly believed in the policy of â€Å"rapid introduction of socialism in the country. †  · Indira Gandhi strengthened the democratic structure and tradition of India. She had tremendous influence on the masses.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Personality Development In Kids After Physical Abuse Article

Personality Development In Kids After Physical Abuse Article Personality Development In Kids After Physical Abuse – Article Example Article Summary This article examines the difference in personality traits in children who experienced physical abuse versus those children who did not experience any physical abuse. Physically abused children were found to be more aggressive, less socially interactive and have lower professional ambitions when compared to the control group. This difference in personality traits were also perceived by the teachers and the mothers of these children. The study was conducted on a small sample of 24 boys and 15 girls who were admitted in the hospital at least five and half years ago on account of physical abuse. Matched control group was used to compare the differences between the abused and the control groups. The results of the study revealed that abused children are often apathetic and withdrawn and are not able to develop basic trust even after several years after the abuse incident. However, the authors found no difference in social maturity between the abused children and their con trols which could be due to the fact that abused children have to develop these skills out of necessity. This study is significant because it emphasizes that the negative personality traits of abused children are not caused by the incident of physical abuse but from the disturbing environment that the child continues to grow in. The article therefore underscores the importance of a long term child centered approach to prevent the negative effects of abuse from percolating into their later life. Oates, R.K. "Personality Development after Physical Abuse." Archives of Diseases of Childhood 59.2 (1984): 147-150. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The purpose of this essay is to explore the role of the triage nurse in a hospital setting. The WritePass Journal

The purpose of this essay is to explore the role of the triage nurse in a hospital setting. Introduction The purpose of this essay is to explore the role of the triage nurse in a hospital setting. IntroductionReferencesRelated Introduction The purpose of this essay is to explore the role of the triage nurse in a hospital setting. Identifying the qualifications and skills required to work within this selected field.   Also looking at the duties which the triage nurse undertakes on a daily basis. According to the oxford mindictionary for nurses it states, triage is â€Å"a system whereby a group of causalities or other patients is sorted according to the seriousness of their injuries or illnesses so that treatment priorities can be allocated between them. In emergency situations it is designed to maximize the number of survivors.† (Oxford minidictionary for nurses, 2008) A triage nurse is a fully licenced registered nurse within their country of work and has completed the recommended qualification’s to register either at a degree or diploma level. Triage nurses are multi skilled health care professionals. They require the ability to make strong evaluations, decisive judgements and remain calm under pressure. Above all remaining compassionate and respecting patient confidentiality through the use of excellent interpersonal and communication skills.   All these skills are necessary to become a successful triage nurse. (Discover Nursing 2009) The triage nurse is the first line of assessment on entry to any accident and emergency department. They quickly and accurately assess patient’s conditions, take medical history and the reason why they have presented at the department. He/she also obtains vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse and temperature. Ehow(2011) A triage nurse is skilled in cardiac care and can offer immediate ECGs to reduce the need to refer to the patient to the next department for further assessment. (Ehow 2011) The accident and emergency department does not see patients on a â€Å"first come, first serve† basis.   Therefore the triage nurse determines whether the individual needs immediate medical treatment or is in the position to wait while more severe cases are evaluated. The triage nurse will determine the more critical patients and if their injuries or illnesses lie within the vital triangles of the body. The first vital triangle of the body is the cranial cavity. Second includes the spinal cavity, thorax, diaphragm, abdominal pelvic cavity, lungs and heart. Some examples of these include chest pain, acute breathlessness, haemorrhage, burns and multiple injuries. (  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ehow 2011) In many cases the triage nurse deals with individuals who arrive at the accident and emergency department with health problems that could have been dealt by their local general practice.   In these cases the triage nurse provides advice and information on how to obtain the care they require. (Ehow 2011) The role of the triage nurse is highly specialised. They can be seen as one of the most important members of the accident and emergency team. Triage nurses follow certain guidelines which they must maintain. They update documents and important papers. They communicate with providers, pharmacists, nurses, certified nursing assistants and certified medical assistants all while putting the patient first. (Discover Nursing 2009) References Discover Nursing (2009) Triage Nursing Available Accessed Ehow(2011) Triage Nurse Duties Responsibilities. Available at: Accessed Ehow(2011) The Definition of a Triage Nurse. Available at: Accessed Ehow(2011) The Responsibilities of a Triage Nurse. Available Accessed Ehow(2011) What Training Is Required for a Triage Nurse. Available Accessed NHS(2011) Emergency Department. Available at: Accessed Oxford minidictionary for nurses(2008) Sixth edition, Oxford university press

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Brainstorming Six Thinking Hats Communications Essay

Brainstorming Six Thinking Hats Communications Essay Brainstorming is one of the best-known techniques for producing fresh ideas and approaching problems from innovative new angles. Brainstorming sessions are best done in small groups; participants are asked to leave their inner critic at the door and come up with the zaniest ideas possible. This challenge is based on a tool created by famous ‘lateral thinker’ Edward de Bono to improve decision making skills. The Six Thinking Hats technique is particularly useful for group brainstorming as it emphasises ‘what if?’ thinking rather than ‘what is’ assumptions. People or groups often tend to follow certain fixed ways of thinking. This technique involves looking at a problem or issue from a number of different perspectives, each represented by a different coloured hat, and giving each one equal weighting in a discussion. White hat (= objective) When you wear this hat, you focus on available information to see what you can learn from it. You try to fill any gaps in your knowledge. This is where you analyse past trends and extrapolate from historical data. Red hat (= emotions, feelings) When you wear the red hat you use intuition, gut reaction and emotion to respond to an issue or idea. You also try to think how other people will react emotionally to the issue, and try to understand their intuitive responses. Black hat (= negatives, points of caution) When you wear the black hat you are the pessimist. You are cautious and critical and try to find reasons that things will not work. It’s a useful perspective, since it highlights any weak points in a plan and enables you to either eliminate them, or prepare measures to counter problems should they arise. Black hat thinking makes plans more resilient. Yellow hat (= positive focus) The yellow hat is the positive thinking hat. When you wear this hat you seek harmony; its optimistic viewpoint enables you to see the value, benefits and further opportunities in a plan. Yellow ha t thinking helps you keep going when everything looks gloomy and difficult. Green hat (= generates new ideas or concepts) The green hat stands for creativity. Its mood is provocative, experimental, and explorative. Wear it to playfully spin ideas free of any judgement or criticism. Blue hat (= defines focus, control of thinking) The blue hat stands for process control. It sees the big picture. Wear this hat to chair a meeting, or to bring any of the other processes /thinking approaches [?] to order. During a typical Six Hats session you will flip between different hat ‘modes’: when ideas are slow in coming you’ll try green hat thinking; when the mood gets too pessimistic, switch to yellow hat thinking; when contingency planning is needed, put on your black hat, and so on. 3 How to Play 3.a Game Instructions The six animals on the right-hand riverbank are desperately looking for their thinking caps, which the wind has cheekily deposited on the left bank. Send the hats back to their respective owners by following the 6 ways of thinking, one at a time, all the way through from the left to the right.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Developing a More Agile Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Developing a More Agile Approach - Essay Example Wal-Mart is not directly linked with a software business but they do use certain technological software for running their operations unlike which is influenced by software developments. The agile software is easy to implement in a business like rather than in a business like Wal-Mart. Providing quality is the main goals of organizations and it is one of the key determinants of an organization’s success. Nowadays organizations heavily rely on software and other technologies to improve the long-term product quality. Currently, agile software development has become one of the most popular technologies to be used in organizations. If a firm is successful in implementing the software successfully then it also succeeds in improving the long term product quality, as the software targets the factors that are directly related to improving the long term product quality. It improves areas such as finance and human resource that are directly related to aspects such as managing product

U05a1 Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

U05a1 Analysis - Case Study Example As early as in 1985, the possibility of a great disaster in case of an explosion inside the tunnel was pointed out by ‘The Baltimore Sun’. However, nothing was done to ensure safety in case of such a disaster. The city’s 440 page emergency plan contained no provision to meet such an eventuality. The event On 18 July 2001, a freight train of CSX that was carrying various items from paper, plywood, soy oil, and many chemicals derailed inside the tunnel. As a result of derailing, there was fire and smoke. The crew of the train could not contact authorities and hence, they uncoupled the first three locomotives and drove out of the tunnel. Soon, thick smoke started covering the city. The fire department was getting calls from different parts of the city reporting smoke. The waybill from the train crew revealed that the train carried hazardous materials like hydrochloric acid, flurocilicic acid, tripopylene, glacial acetic acid, ethyl hexyl phthalate, and propylene glyc ol. While some of these were combustible, others could create breathing problems and skin burns. A possibility of ‘boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE) could not be ruled out, which could mean total destruction of the city. In addition, the fire officials were not at all familiar with handling those chemicals. As it is rightly said in Penuel, Statler, and Golson (2011, p.89), decisions during a crisis are to be taken in an environment where issues are wrongly defined and data is erroneous. The management of the situation It seems that the fire department proceeded well in accordance with the stipulated procedures. As the city’s emergency plan did not provide any guidelines, it was for the first responder- the fire department- to take the lead. As per the stipulated incident command procedure, the senior officer of the first unit on the scene is responsible to assess the situation, and, depending on the seriousness of the situation, to report upwards. Exactly in the same way, the matter was reported to Chief Heinbuch, and soon he started the command post near the north end of the tunnel. This step too seems well in accordance with the suggested procedures in case of an emergency. Soon, Heinbuch took charge of the situation, and set up the command post near the north end of the tunnel. At this juncture, it is worth remembering that this step too is well in accordance with the stipulation that an incident command post will be established within close proximity to incident response operations. (Penuel et al., 2011, p. 89). The next positive point to note from the case is the cooperation between the fire department and the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE). According to the reports, both the departments worked and trained together, and hence, communication and cooperation were instantaneous. It seems that there was an averagely effective management of the situation. It seems that the team was able to establish link with a number of o ther groups ranging from MDE, public health, public works department, and the department of transportation, US Coast Guard, the EPA, and the National Transportation Safety Board. Still, there was serious lack of communication among groups that could lead to loss of lives. An example is the effort by DPW crews on 19 July to excavate the water

Analyzing Multiple Perspectives of ethical Dilemmas Essay

Analyzing Multiple Perspectives of ethical Dilemmas - Essay Example Here comes the question of ethics. Although, all branches in science have equal standing in terms of importance of ethics in their study and exploration, biology has been more prominent in this regard since it deals with the study of life itself; thus, engulfing the existence of plants, animals and most importantly, man himself. Therefore, bioethics, as it is widely known can be precisely come under definition as the discourse of the controversies with regard to the ethical dilemmas, which arise in the scientific study of life and living beings. The ethical dilemmas in the field of biological research and development are quite numerous. Like in other discourses, these dilemmas open themselves to multiple perspectives and schools of thought and therefore are an enriched field to study. Here, the paper will include a few such dilemmas that have been a pressing concern for bioethicists these days and will include study of various perspectives on them. A very popular and most discussed d ilemma in biology is that of cloning. Many scientists and scholar see cloning as a way to extend life in cases where survival is endangered (Brannigan, 11).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Introducation to organisation and management Assignment

Introducation to organisation and management - Assignment Example The two firms that are the subject of these case studies are really night and day as far as culture and leadership goes. The first case study is Watson’s. Watson’s has a hierarchy that is authoritative, which means that employees have little input in decision-making and are really not respected. Management and unions have a toxic history due to a lack of trust. The managing director, Gordon Watson, is man who is stuck, in that he is not proactive, but prefers to keep things the status quo. He is also older and ready to retire, and does not interact with the workers. His underling, Ahmed Khan, however, does seem to have more vision, and he has excellent ideas that would be very beneficial to the company’s productivity. However, he is not being heard by the people higher up in the hierarchy. The same situation is present with the staff, in that they, too, have good ideas, but these ideas are not heard of given respect. The people in the organization do not have flu idity, in that they do not move between different positions, therefore there is little flexibility in fulfilling orders, so part of the staff is overburdened, while others are underburdened. The different departments do not communicate with one another. The staff is having high absenteeism, and there is also high turnover. The Human Resource Manager, instead of trying to find solutions to the high absenteeism and retention, makes excuses and does not take sexual harassment seriously. Consequently, the firm appears to be falling apart. On the other hand, H&M Consulting seems to have it together. Where Watson’s is a dinosaur, in that it refuses to go forward with new technology and ideas, H& M is the opposite, as they use new technology and ideas as their focus. H&M is not hierarchical, and centralized leadership is not strong, as it is composed of groups that have team leaders, and uses technology to coordinate what the different teams are doing. The teams are constantly chang ing, and constantly going to different projects. All this is not to say that there is not leadership, because there is. Theo Wolf, who is the CEO, is a visionary, his staff respects him, and has been called inspirational. He is communicative with his staff, and is very motivational. He encourages his staff to try new approaches and be proactive with company issues. Its staff is valuable, and learning and development are encouraged. The employees are given autonomy, so that they are responsible for their own development. In short, this organization values their employees, has trusted leadership who creates a shared vision, encourages its employees to be proactive with solutions, and does not have tyrannical leadership. Discussion Examining these two different companies is a study of a difference in organizational culture. The culture is â€Å"the coding of values and deeply-held beliefs that mold an organization's decision patterns, guide its actions, and drive individual behaviorâ €  (Dauphinais & Price, 1998, p. 190). Culture is also belief patterns that come from group norms, informal activities and values (Ivancevich et al., 2008, p. 503). The culture of an organization is visible to the members and to outsiders as the way things are done(Dauphinais & Price, 1998, p. 190). It is also subtle and invisible, in that it makes up the values, beliefs and attitudes that go throughout the organization. Culture can be an asset, if it is in line with company's vision, thus catalyzing the vision. Or it can be a drawback, hindering the vision if the culture is not so in line and the fit between the culture and the vision is flawed, as the beliefs that permeate the organization propel it to mediocrity, not to greatness. According to Dauphinais & Price, culture and culture change are not triggered from the top down, but from the bottom up and is created by â€Å"practical tools such as measures, rewards, and carefully structured people practices† (Dauphinais & Price, 1998, p. 191). The two companies cultures are night and day –

'Energy infrastructure often involves cross-border mega-development Essay

'Energy infrastructure often involves cross-border mega-development projects. International law is equipped to deal with the env - Essay Example Developed countries invest in developing countries for their own interest while this results beneficial for the host country too.1 During this entire process of launching a new energy project cross borders, the number of problems and issues are countless. Sometimes this mega energy project faces challenges and creates issues on a global level.2 These may include environmental, human, social, political issues etc. To overcome and to respond to these issues as they may threaten themselves and the world is very important. In this regard international laws are designed so as to maintain and ensure that proper scheme and strategy is being followed and that there are no threats and the project will not in any way harm the environment or humans or any other factor of that country or the world. This paper is aimed to study the effectiveness of the international environmental laws and the challenges faced by the energy mega projects cross borders. Moreover the paper will also discuss their ef fects on the environment and human lifecycle.3 Before launching or planning any energy-mega development project on cross borders, the owners, the engineers, and the project managers have to go through all these policies and laws so as to ensure that their project is in accordance with all the legal laws and regulations and will in no way harm or destroy the environment or human challenges. This will also decrease the chances of failure of the project.4 Mega Energy Projects and International Laws Mega energy projects are one of the most influential entities in the domain of economic growth for any country in the modern world. The utilization of energy in the age of industrialization has immensely increased and it has become a need to develop any country in the economic system of the world.5 The need of energy in order to maintain the development is fulfilled by several energy projects. These energy projects include dams, hydro power plants, gas pipelines and several more to its list. 6 The globalization has congealed each aspect of this world in which all the states are interlinked with each other with the relationship of dependency. Due to globalization, cross border energy projects were firstly introduced which are considered as popular diplomatic agreements among states. The cross border energy mega projects are considered to be the significant force of diplomatic alliances and economic growth for all of the agreed states involved in any certain energy mega project.7 These energy mega projects are not independent of laws on the basis of which the economic growth is evitable. International laws are those laws which involve the common consent of numerous states and nations upon it.8 It is a set of rules which is accepted and generally regarded as the binding force between the nations, even those which are involved in any kind of dispute. International law does not only work as the mediator between the disputed parties that are the public and the stake holders o f energy mega projects but also as the regulator in this diplomatic act.9 The set of international law contains numerous legislations regarding human rights, environmental laws, laws regarding sovereignty and several other laws which are based on past disputes and judicial decisions.10 Cross border energy mega projects often involves more than two states in which international law comes to play its intrinsic role to mediate the consent among the nations. The involvement

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring Activities --Savannah, GA Essay

Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring Activities --Savannah, GA - Essay Example The organization is undoubtedly one of the best charitable organizations in the area. The chapter is highly effective considering most of the activities the organization offers here. Its impact is widely felt through the contribution it has made to the children of this area. Firstly, volunteers are deployed through a highly rigorous process. This is done by thoroughly screening everyone coming in to offer services. This is done through interviews as well as background investigations. This way the organization is able to provide top-notch level of services to the children. In addition, most of the reports from the officials indicate that there is a notable positive effect among youth (Stone, 2009). Looking at the programs offered by the organization, I would more likely classify them as prevention measures than diversion. This is so because, the services provided by the volunteers are focused in making the young people gain good values that are generally acceptable in the society. The y are keen in coaching the youth on how to keep away from harmful behavior such as using illegal drugs and criminal activities. Although there are other programs that aims at helping this generation of kids become more diverse as far as their careers is concerned, the main goal is to bring up children of high morals (Jano, 2008). Another reported outcome of the program is bringing up self-confident young people who can easily mingle with other people. BBBS Chapter Programs / Competition The local chapter offers a variety of programs that have become so successful in achieving positive results. The mentoring programs are set up based on the needs of the children. The mentors in different programs come from all walks of life and the organization matches these experts with the requirements of the young people seeking guidance. One of the most common programs is the academic mentoring. Here, an experienced college professor participates in mentoring a student through a particular projec t. Secondly, there is the career mentoring that aims at guiding youth through career choices and along the path of career chosen. Lastly, there is the personal development mentoring that provides counseling to young people when they are experiencing personal crisis (To’angutu, 2005). This also helps children with less privileged lives. The activities of the programs mostly leave other social service organization with less to offer, due to their wide support in terms of funds and staff, the BBBS has the competitive edge. The organization has reduced expenses since they do not incur staff expenses; they also have so many experts at their disposal who mostly volunteer their services to the program (Stone, 2009). The other organizations should try to specialize with offering social services that are not covered by BBBS. This will decrease the level of competitions that would otherwise arise from offering the same services as BBBS. BBBS versus Juvenile Justice System BBBS goals di ffer from those of the juvenile justice system. The latter is determined in rehabilitation of children accused of committing criminal offences. This is very different from the goals and the role of BBBS, which is guidance and counseling. The juvenile justice system only focuses with helping the children who are on the wrong whilst the BBBS focus on every child. Another difference is that the Juvenile justice system has the interest of the community at large where they aim at

'Energy infrastructure often involves cross-border mega-development Essay

'Energy infrastructure often involves cross-border mega-development projects. International law is equipped to deal with the env - Essay Example Developed countries invest in developing countries for their own interest while this results beneficial for the host country too.1 During this entire process of launching a new energy project cross borders, the number of problems and issues are countless. Sometimes this mega energy project faces challenges and creates issues on a global level.2 These may include environmental, human, social, political issues etc. To overcome and to respond to these issues as they may threaten themselves and the world is very important. In this regard international laws are designed so as to maintain and ensure that proper scheme and strategy is being followed and that there are no threats and the project will not in any way harm the environment or humans or any other factor of that country or the world. This paper is aimed to study the effectiveness of the international environmental laws and the challenges faced by the energy mega projects cross borders. Moreover the paper will also discuss their ef fects on the environment and human lifecycle.3 Before launching or planning any energy-mega development project on cross borders, the owners, the engineers, and the project managers have to go through all these policies and laws so as to ensure that their project is in accordance with all the legal laws and regulations and will in no way harm or destroy the environment or human challenges. This will also decrease the chances of failure of the project.4 Mega Energy Projects and International Laws Mega energy projects are one of the most influential entities in the domain of economic growth for any country in the modern world. The utilization of energy in the age of industrialization has immensely increased and it has become a need to develop any country in the economic system of the world.5 The need of energy in order to maintain the development is fulfilled by several energy projects. These energy projects include dams, hydro power plants, gas pipelines and several more to its list. 6 The globalization has congealed each aspect of this world in which all the states are interlinked with each other with the relationship of dependency. Due to globalization, cross border energy projects were firstly introduced which are considered as popular diplomatic agreements among states. The cross border energy mega projects are considered to be the significant force of diplomatic alliances and economic growth for all of the agreed states involved in any certain energy mega project.7 These energy mega projects are not independent of laws on the basis of which the economic growth is evitable. International laws are those laws which involve the common consent of numerous states and nations upon it.8 It is a set of rules which is accepted and generally regarded as the binding force between the nations, even those which are involved in any kind of dispute. International law does not only work as the mediator between the disputed parties that are the public and the stake holders o f energy mega projects but also as the regulator in this diplomatic act.9 The set of international law contains numerous legislations regarding human rights, environmental laws, laws regarding sovereignty and several other laws which are based on past disputes and judicial decisions.10 Cross border energy mega projects often involves more than two states in which international law comes to play its intrinsic role to mediate the consent among the nations. The involvement

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Modern Dance Essay Example for Free

Modern Dance Essay The idea of dance has always been interesting and a mystery to me. When I was younger, I used to participate in Indian dance performances for birthday parties, weddings and/or anniversaries. I was fairly decent and I remember that it gave me a sense of freedom. I loved to dance. It was a way of expressing my uniqueness. However, things changed, life moved on and the stress of it all hid those feelings for another lifetime. They remained hidden for the past four years here at UCR until now, my senior year. Now was the only time in my college career that I had time for anything other than major related, science-y courses. I was excited to take a class that didn’t involve four hour laboratory times or quizzes every week. I wanted to take a class that made me feel free. That’s when I remembered how dance made me feel when I was younger and Dance 005 seemed like the perfect fit. In the short time that I have been able to take this course, I have learned quite a lot about my body’s capabilities. Usually, when I do something physical, whether it be sports or working out at the gym, I push myself hard. With dance, I felt as if I needed to take my time, and let my gracefullness take the lead. I wanted to accomplish a different side of me. I wanted to allow myself to do something that I wasn’t necessarily used to. I felt as if my strengths were mainly the numbered combinations that we learned in class. I do well with order, direction and a planned out routine. However, on the other hand, when we would practice improvisation, I found harder to relax and â€Å"go with the flow. † I realized that I don’t work well with spontaneous, no rule moments. I still struggle with that part of the class and I believe it isn’t something that can be taken care of with one course. I also enrolled in a dance of Mexico course and I enjoy noticing the differences between modern dance and cultural dance. Viewing the live performance by Paradigm put many things in perspective. My view on dance expanded with every dance performed that night. It was interesting to see the different outlooks on the idea of dance as a whole. It can be theatrical, comedic, sad, happy, etc. It all depends on how the emotions are absorbed by the audience as a result of the performers. Writing the reflection paper on the performance helped me understand the real meaning of it all. It made me take the time to recall reactions and go into depth about how the idea of modern dance came about. Dance, to me, meant structure but walking out of the theater that night shook that assumption to its core. I learned that the modern dance movement based works upon experience, using their bodies to express emotions using many gestures. It seemed like each dance was a type of impulse control. Each performer was allowed to express any feeling that came to them within boundaries. And the boundaries were what made up the show and made it enjoyable for the audience. One idea of dance that stuck with me was when we performed our pathway dances. I think that was also my favorite part of this class so far. I enjoyed watching each dance with and without music. The music made each dance come alive in some way. I also liked the fact that the musician matched the dance with a separate tone that allowed for comedic relief during what could have possibly been a boring, simple routine. The way he described music adding to dance as a sort of parallel was also quite interesting. I don’t think I have ever heard music and art spoken in that way. This class gives an insight into a different, calmer than my usual workload, form of expression. Another idea of dance that I can take away from this course is whenever we added pedestrian movements into our dances. I loved that we could incorporate anything and everything we do in life to dance. For instance, I just recently started going to the cardio kickboxing class at the rec center. And I remember I added some of the moves I learned from that class into this class by adding a little flare and art value to them. It just goes to show that anything can be art by tweaking something just a smidge. I thoroughly enjoyed taking this class. To be brief, it was entertaining, interesting, and I can actually say I know something about the art of dance and not just how to dance. I think it’s important to have knowledge about everything in this world. No need to be an expert on the matter but a little taste of different culture never hurt anyone. And I believe that this class gives a small slice of a worldwide tradition of dance.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Literacy As Social Practice To Aid In Teaching Education Essay

Literacy As Social Practice To Aid In Teaching Education Essay The world has changed profoundly over the last two decades, and many of our longstanding notions about literacy need to be challenged. As a result, the definition of literacy is neither a singular or universal one, and it is often defined in contradictory ways. It is recognised that the teaching and learning of literacy is a major responsibility of the schools. While some children have some knowledge of literacy acquired before formal schooling, all will need the opportunities for learning to read and write that school provides. The term literacy has often been associated with the reading and writing stage of learning and it is no surprise that the way the community views how literacy is learned in schools can take vastly different viewpoints. It is important to note that the way in which it is defined will shape the kinds of policies and approaches to teaching and learning that are adopted by the field of education. Olsons definition focuses on literacy as a cognitive model, which is needed for work, education and social interaction. This view prevails that literacy is a simple, learned cognitive skill that one learns to read and write just as one learns to kick a ball, ride a bicycle or make a cake. It is clearly perceived, once the skill has been mastered. Street (1985) refers this view of literacy as the autonomous literacy where those who master this skill can use it to advantage of influence and prestige. In contrast, Street contemplates that literacy should have a more social focus, such as the assumption of it contributing knowledge according to social-cultural contexts. He defines this alternative notion as ideological literacy which refers to the social conceptions and uses of literacy. This viewpoint suggests that literacy is an aspect of defining framework of society. Street (1997) extents this notion by arguing that literacy not only varies with social context and with cultural norms and discourses, but that its uses and meanings are embedded in relations of power. This suggests that literacy is what society achieves, and society is, to some extent, what literacy contributes to it. Furthermore, another view of literacy is that of critical literacy that is informed by the work of Paulo Freire (1972), who conceptualizes literacy not as reading the word but as reading the world. This advocates the emphasis of the empowering role that literacy can and should play in reshaping the way in which one lives and works. Wallace (2001) explains that the empowering potential of literacy is articulated in difference ways to encourage new literates to use literacy as a means for educational change and for the literate person to reflect on what is wrong in their world and use the enabling power of literacy to change that world. Furthermore, Wallace views this potential as a means to reshape approaches to English language teaching, not just for first language learners, but for the majority of users of English who are second language English speakers. She proposes that the variety of labels given to English in its worldwide role be replaced by what she calls literate English, one with which it is not a reduced or simplified model of English which restricts communication to basic patterns of interaction, but a global English that should be elaborated to serve global needs. Luke and Carrington (2002) discuss this further with the notion of literacy as cultural capital by suggesting how to construct a literacy education that addresses new economic and cultural formations providing our students with the ability to think critically and globally in a world that, increasingly, will require a politically and socially active citizen (NOTE, 2007). Models of Literacy In the minds of many in the community, an important function of schooling is that it teaches literacy with the teaching of literacy this is often held to be the most important thing that schooling provides. As a result, literacy remains high on the educational and political agenda at national and international levels and continues to be contested and debated. There appears to be three main models of literary which have implications for policy-making, teaching and learning; autonomous, social and critical literacy. The first is the cognitive or autonomous model, which has dominated educational policy for the last two decades especially in the UK with the introduction of the National Curriculum which then was preceded by the National Literacy Strategy (NLS) in the late 90s. Both of which attempted to transform literacy teaching in the primary and secondary school. Goodwyn and Findlay (2003) are encouraged by the aim of the NLS to demystify subject teaching and to involve all subject specialist in helping pupils become literate within each subject. However, the emphasis on the autonomous literacy model is a failure to acknowledge the ever changing nature of literacy. This skills-based view of a universal or aptitude represents the meaning of literacy in terms of limited mental operations. Therefore, if we view literacy teaching and learning as a matter of mastering certain important, but essentially basic technical skills in control of such things as the spelling and writing system, and perhaps h ow to shape simple written sentences. Literacy becomes a relatively simple and unproblematic matter, learned in the early years and then used and reused in whatever ways appear appropriate. According to Street (1995), such traditional definitions of literacy are based an autonomous model, autonomous because it is extracted from its social, cultural, and historical context. When treated as a technical skill or mental operation independent of social context, literacy is associated with consequences that have no relation to the social situations in which it is embedded. In addition, Street (1995) explains, it gives limited attention to social structures within which the concepts and specific cultures are forms. Therefore, in an autonomous model, literacy is separated from its social context and considered an independent variable making it possible to associate literacy with symbolic elements such as progress, social mobility and economic stability (Gee, 1996). In our society, the benef its for being literate has taken on mythic qualities as Street suggests this literacy myth raises false expectations for those who do become literate in comparison to the illiterate who are branded as too lazy or, even worse unable to learn. This situation enables government to shift focus away from social problems onto individual shortcoming (Street, 1996) The second model of literacy is one that avoids the pitfalls of the literacy myth by capturing the complexity of literacy practices in the social contexts that make them meaningful. Street (1996) calls this an ideological model of literary, which concentrates on the social practices of reading and writing and the ideological and culturally embedded nature of these practices. In addition, the ideological model maintains a wariness of claims for literacy and distinguishes between these claims and the actual significance of literacy for the people involved. Literacy in the ideological model looks beyond a technical definition of literacy to consider literacy practices. Rather than limiting literacy to events that involve reading and writing, Street broadens the scope to literacy practices which take into account the behaviour and the social and cultural conceptualizations that give meaning to the uses of reading and writing. This concept of literacy practices gets us away from the liter acy myth by re-inserting social and cultural context and arguing that whatever benefits come from literacy also come from the contexts in which it is embedded. The third model critical literacy is one that as Wallace (2001) explains is powerful to the extent that it offers a vantage point from which to survey other literacies. Like the ideological model, critical literacy is understood as social action through language use that develops us as agents inside a larger culture. However, it takes us beyond this in providing an active, challenging approach to reading and textual practice by the analysis and critique of the relationship among texts, language, power, social groups and social practice. It shows us ways of looking at written, visual, spoken, multimedia and performance texts to question and challenge the attitudes, values and beliefs that lie beneath the surface. It has been suggested that critical literacy links with our modern lifestyles of a rapidly changing globalised world. Changing societal structures, increasing social and cultural diversity and the marketing of ideas and products through multimedia mean that we need to think a bout literacy for lifelong learning in new ways. The way that information is received today hadnt been invented twenty years ago. The world is becoming increasingly accessible because of instantaneous communications; the corpus of print literature is expanding almost exponentially because of the number of works either being written in English not just by authors from United States or the British Commonwealth but by major authors outside these regions. The consequence is that the technology is not only bringing global English (Wallace, 2004) into daily contact, the nature of digital communication is aiding in the demise of a standard English.   Instant messaging, text messaging, and other technological forms of communication are creating new writing practices that often undermine traditional, standard English for the sake of faster, more effective communication. English is becoming more complex than ever, and our students will need to be flexible and efficient users of a vast array of discourses that isolated, drill-oriented grammar lessons simply will not teach. We need to be able to make meaning from the array of multimedia, complex visual imagery, music and sound, even virtual worlds that confront us each day in addition to written and spoken words. Changes in society are occurring so rapidly that we need to take time to think about whether they will have positive or negative effects upon our ways of living. Conclusion Lonsdale et al (2004) imply that the meaning of literacy has changed over time from an elementary decoding of words to a range of more complex and diverse skills and understandings. There is a need for these changes to be understood, against a background of economic, social, political and cultural. Literacy as a social practice should be considered in context, rather than the convention of literacy as an individual, cognitive skill. The new skills are premised on the idea that much higher order skills such as critical thinking are now needed by all students. Goodwyn et al (2003) suggest that students once needed literacy to be told what to do; now they need it to know what to do without being told. Street (1985) implies that Ideological literacy requires that we view literacy as much more than the ability to decipher or encode messages on paper. We have to view literacy in the dynamic contexts of politics, social change, development, education, religion, philosophy, confrontation, and even war. Practitioners of critical literacy have forcefully made the point that literacy is a mechanism of political control as well as a tool for liberation. These views of literacy are not mutually exclusive. Rather, they represent points on a continuum between action and system. At one extreme, autonomous literacy is viewed as something isolated from everything else, as a personal skill or characteristic. At the other extreme, it is seen almost as a primal element in the construction of reality. (SIL, 1999) The teaching of critical thinking plays a central role in the teaching of critical literacy. As the world becomes more complex, increasingly flattened, and, one might argue, ever more interesting and challenging, our students must be prepared to enter it as competent, thoughtful, and agentive readers and communicators. In order to prepare them effectively, we as literacy educators must make changes to literacy curricula that traditionally view knowledge making and communication as straightforward, text-based, and individualized, a perspective that was only appropriate before the recent explosion in communicative technologies and resulting economic, social, and cultural realities. To prepare students who can be active and effective world citizens able to make thoughtful decisions and solve global problems, we must first help them to be critical, meta-aware thinkers and communicators. (NOTE, 2007) A consequence of these views of literacy has been that specialists in the field have become more aware that literacy, in both theory and practice, is more than a simple technical skill. Literacy, by itself, does not lead to health, wealth, happiness, and national development. Literacy is but one element in the development process. The other elements must be included if developmental aspirations are to be attained. (SIL, 1999) Word count: 2063

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hiding Behind the Words :: Writing Education Self Analysis

Hiding Behind the Words As I look back at the first paper I wrote for this class, I see lots of things I needed to improve on. I was simple minded in many of my ideas that I wrote about. Throughout the paper I only elaborated on a few thoughts and ideas. It all could have been summed up in two paragraphs. My opening paragraph talked about my whole paper. "A university education is important to me. By getting a degree in geography I hope to improve my knowledge and increase my chances for a good job. Not only will I gain knowledge but also gain the experience of university life as a student. By receiving my education I will prepare myself for a job and improve my communication with other people." After the first paragraph I bullshitted through the rest of the paper. I had repetition over and over again. For example in paragraph three I wrote, "I have chosen my major in Geography because I find it interesting and hope to obtain a job in the field." This repetition can be seen in the opening paragraph above. It also is in the last paragraph, "Bemidji University will have prepared me with the knowledge I need to obtain a job in Geography." If I were to make a revision on the paper I would need to cut down on the repetition, this is not the only example throughout the paper. My first paper was also written in the official style and the five theme essay. I stated my theme in the first paragraph and everything form there on pertained to the theme. I did not elaborate on other things that make a university education important to me. I needed to reconstruct my thoughts and dig deeper to find the real meaning behind my university education. As I read this paper again it was plain, simple and not very interesting to read. It was simple in a way that everyone probably has the same thoughts and could write it just like I did. To make it more interesting I could leave the theme, and change the voice and style within the paper. The voice in the paper pertained to the normal student who wrote about their education. It was plain and did not express any real values I had toward my education. Sure I want to graduate, get a job, and have fun, but doesn't everyone want to do this? Hiding Behind the Words :: Writing Education Self Analysis Hiding Behind the Words As I look back at the first paper I wrote for this class, I see lots of things I needed to improve on. I was simple minded in many of my ideas that I wrote about. Throughout the paper I only elaborated on a few thoughts and ideas. It all could have been summed up in two paragraphs. My opening paragraph talked about my whole paper. "A university education is important to me. By getting a degree in geography I hope to improve my knowledge and increase my chances for a good job. Not only will I gain knowledge but also gain the experience of university life as a student. By receiving my education I will prepare myself for a job and improve my communication with other people." After the first paragraph I bullshitted through the rest of the paper. I had repetition over and over again. For example in paragraph three I wrote, "I have chosen my major in Geography because I find it interesting and hope to obtain a job in the field." This repetition can be seen in the opening paragraph above. It also is in the last paragraph, "Bemidji University will have prepared me with the knowledge I need to obtain a job in Geography." If I were to make a revision on the paper I would need to cut down on the repetition, this is not the only example throughout the paper. My first paper was also written in the official style and the five theme essay. I stated my theme in the first paragraph and everything form there on pertained to the theme. I did not elaborate on other things that make a university education important to me. I needed to reconstruct my thoughts and dig deeper to find the real meaning behind my university education. As I read this paper again it was plain, simple and not very interesting to read. It was simple in a way that everyone probably has the same thoughts and could write it just like I did. To make it more interesting I could leave the theme, and change the voice and style within the paper. The voice in the paper pertained to the normal student who wrote about their education. It was plain and did not express any real values I had toward my education. Sure I want to graduate, get a job, and have fun, but doesn't everyone want to do this?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Life and Role of a Knight in The Middle Ages :: essays research papers

The Middle Ages - The Life and Role of a Knight A Knights life was a hard life, you could only become one in a few ways, one being the most common passing a life-time test. Knights were sworn to protect Churches, the weak and battle all evil. When a boy was eight years old, he was sent to the neighboring castle where he was trained as a page. The boy was usually the son of a knight or of a member of the aristocracy. He spent most of his time strengthening his body, wrestling and riding horses. He also learned how to fight with a spear and a sword. He practiced against a wooden dummy called a quintain. It was essentially a heavy sack or dummy in the form of a human. It was hung on a wooden pole along with a shield. The young page had to hit the shield in its centre. When hit, the whole structure would spin around and around. The page had to get away quickly without getting hit. The young man was also taught more civilized topics. He would be taught to read and write by a schoolmaster. He could also be taught some Latin and French. The lady of the castle taught the page to sing and dance and how to behave in the king?s court. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, a boy became a squire in service to a knight. His duties included dressing the knight in the morning, serving all of the knight?s meals, caring for the knight?s horse, and cleaning the knight?s armor and weapons. He followed the knight to tournaments and assisted his lord on the battlefield. A squire also prepared himself by learning how to handle a sword and lance while wearing forty pounds of armor and riding a horse. When he was about twenty, a squire could become a knight after proving himself worthy. A lord would agree to knight him in a dubbing ceremony. The night before the ceremony, the squire would dress in a white tunic and red robes. He would then fast and pray all night for the purification of his soul. The chaplain would bless the future knight's sword and then lay it on the chapel or church's altar. Before dawn, he took a bath to show that he was pure, and he dressed in his best clothes. When dawn came, the priest would hear the young man's confession, a Catholic contrition rite.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Film Analysis: “Elizabeth: the Golden Age” Essay

Queen Elizabeth I was one of the most memorable, most discussed and most written about monarch not only in England, but in Western history (Dobson and Watson 2; Rozett 103). She was the only monarch that historians attributed an entire era of English history after. The film â€Å"Elizabeth: the Golden Age† is an example of the Queen’s popularity in literature. Although much of the film had accurately depicted the life of the Queen as to the reason why the Elizabethan period of England was synonymous to the period of peace and prosperity, there were a number of discrepancies between the information shown in the film against data retrieved from historical records. This paper would be presenting these discrepancies as well as an insight on Queen Elizabeth I’s view towards marriage and psychological profile. The film â€Å"Elizabeth: the Golden Age† was set in the year 1565, when Spain was considered as the most powerful Empire in Western history and was under the rule of King Philip II. In order to achieve his goal to spread the Catholic faith across Europe, Philip II began what he considered as a holy war. This war had allowed him to conquer all the European countries, except for England which was still under the rule of a Protestant Queen, Elizabeth I. Although not directly stated, the film implied that it was in the year 1585 that Philip II decided it was time to purify England from the clutches of the devil ruled by a whore (â€Å"Elizabeth: the Golden Age†). The film depicted King Philip II clearly as someone who extremely despised Queen Elizabeth I in her entirety. However, Campion and Holleran stated that when Queen Elizabeth I ascended the throne in 1558, King Philip II in fact proposed marriage to the Queen. Although she politely declined is marriage proposal, she accepted the advice and protection that King Philip II offered to her (2). Meanwhile, in a meeting with her political advisers, Queen Elizabeth I was warned that her country was now divided by religion. Half of the country was now practicing the Catholic faith with the other half practicing the Protestant faith. They recommended to the Queen that measures must be taken against the English Catholics. This was because her advisers saw the English followers of the Catholic faith as a threat to Elizabeth I’s reign because of two reasons. The first was that since they were practicing the Catholic, this meant that they had allied themselves with both the Pope and the kingdom of Spain, who has been considered in the film as England’s greatest enemy. The second was that the Catholics no longer recognized Elizabeth I as their ruler. Rather, their loyalty had shifted to Mary Stuart, the Queen’s cousin and whom they regarded as the rightful Queen-in-waiting. Queen Elizabeth I responded to her advisers that she would not punish her people because of their religious beliefs and assured them that she had been told that the people still revered her as their Queen (â€Å"Elizabeth: the Golden Age†). The division in England, brought about by religious beliefs, had been a problem that did not occur during Queen Elizabeth I’s reign. Instead, this division was an issue that the Queen inherited from her predecessors, Mary Tudor and her father, Henry VIII. According to historical records, Henry VIII rejected the papal authority in 1534 and assumed the title of Supreme Head of the National Church. With the ascension of Mary Tudor to the throne in 1553, she sought to reconcile the English Church with the Church of Rome. Initially, Elizabeth I was considered to be moderate when it came to religious affairs since she was more concerned in keeping her throne, maintaining the peace and the promotion of the prosperity of England. Furthermore, Elizabeth I herself accepted three different religions during her lifetime: Anglo-Catholic, Catholic, and Protestant. This was why she did not see the English Catholics as a threat and refrained herself from imposing severe punishments. She did, however, encouraged religious uniformity by setting an example. She had also pressured her subjects to abandon their resistance to the established Church of England (Campion and Holleran 11-14; Cole 2; Taylor-Smither 63). Sir Francis Walsingham revealed to Queen Elizabeth I in the film that an assassination plot called the â€Å"Enterprise of England† was discovered masterminded by the Spanish monarchy. The plot included two armies were situated along the coasts of Sussex and Norfolk. They were waiting for the order to assist Mary Stuart to assassinate Elizabeth I and to put Mary Stuart on the throne of England. When she learned about the assassination attempt, Queen Elizabeth I confronted the ambassadors of Philip II to England. This caused the ambassadors to end their office in disgrace and to view her as the center of an international Protestant conspiracy inciting a rebellion both in the Netherlands and in France (Doran â€Å"Elizabeth I and Foreign Policy, 1558-1603† 8; â€Å"Elizabeth: the Golden Age†). Upon the discovery of the assassination plot, Mary Stuart had given the order to execute the assassination plot on the Queen. While she was in church, one of the supporters of the Enterprise of England managed to get through the guards at the front of the church and tried to kill the Queen with the use of a pistol. However, the pistol used was unarmed, and the Queen survived the assassination attempt. The assassin and the other members of the Enterprise of England were captured, imprisoned and tortured. Later, Sir Walsingham then confronted Mary Stuart with regards to the assassination attempt on the Queen and her involvement to the plot. She was then presented the orders she had given out to the members of the Enterprise of England to proceed with the assassination of the Queen. Mary Stuart was tried for treason and was executed by beheading. It was only after the execution of Mary Stuart that Sir Walsingham realized the true intention of Spain. Through the execution of Mary Stuart who was both a Catholic and an ally of Spain, England provided Philip II a reason to wage war against England (â€Å"Elizabeth: the Golden Age†). Although this served as the climax of the entire film, it also contained the most of the discrepancies on historical documents and records except for Mary Stuart’s involvement in the assassination attempt on the life of Queen Elizabeth I. This did not come as a surprise since there have been numerous documents and literary works where the events of the life of Queen Elizabeth I were re-arranged. An example of this was the biography made by Sir Walter Scott entitled Kenilworth where he changed the events so that Amy Robsart, the first wife of Robert Dudley which occurred in 1560 would coincide with the entertainment spectacle at Kenilworth which occurred in 1575 (Rozett 104). Mary Stuart, who was also known in history as Mary, Queen of Scots, became the Queen of Scotland after her birth in 1542. She married the Dauphin of France and became the Queen of France when he ascended the throne in 1559. Her reign as Queen of France was only short-lived, since her husband died a year later his ascent to the throne. She then returned to Scotland to assume her place as the Queen of Scots upon the death of her mother. Her succeeding marriages were met with such scandal. Of these marriages, the most scandalous was her marriage to the Earl of Bothwell, who had been considered as the alleged murderer of her second husband. Her marriage to the Earl of Bothwell resulted to a national uprising where she was defeated in 1567. She was then forced to sign a document on the threat of death to abdicate her throne and title of the Queen of Scotland. She tried to regain her title by raising another army which was also defeated. She then sought protection on her life in England and her cousin, Elizabeth I. Outraged by the actions done by the Scottish lords against her cousin, Elizabeth I protected her cousin and detained her as a prisoner (Campion and Holleran 2-3; Perry 145-46). Since the death of Mary Tudor and Elizabeth I’s ascension to the English throne, Mary Stuart had expressed publicly her legitimate claim to the English throne since her mother was the eldest sister of Henry VIII, Elizabeth I’s father. Even though she was a prisoner in England, she remained to be a threat to Elizabeth I. When reports were brought to Queen Elizabeth I’s attention that her cousin was involved in assassination plots against her, Parliament moved for Mary Stuart’s execution. Initially, Elizabeth I did not consider this option since there was no evidence that proved the allegations against Mary Stuart. That all changed upon when Sir Francis Walsingham discovered the assassination plot against the Queen called the Babington plot. To gather evidence regarding the involvement of Mary Stuart on the plot, he ordered Mary Stuart to be moved to a house where she could be more closely monitored and appointed a new jailer who was less sympathetic to Mary Stuart. Soon, Mary Stuart began to receive news from Europe which were smuggled to her through waterproof packages inserted in the bungholes of beer kegs. Unknown to Mary Stuart, Sir Walsingham had already intercepted these messages and had managed to decode them before Mary Stuart and her confidantes received them. It was here that Sir Walsingham discovered that the plotters of the assassination of the Queen were headed by a rich and idealistic Catholic squire named Anthony Babington and that there were sixty thousand Spanish and English soldiers ready to rescue Mary upon receiving her approval. She approved the assassination and her rescue in writing. Sir Walsingham presented to Elizabeth I the directions and approval written by Mary Stuart in her own handwriting as evidence and proof of the allegations made against Mary Stuart. After protecting Mary Stuart for nineteen years, Elizabeth I was compelled by law to transfer Mary to Fortheringhay Castle where she was tried and was found guilty on the crime of treason. She was executed by beheading in 1587. The betrayal brought by Mary Stuart to attempt to assassinate her, Elizabeth I’s outlook towards Catholics began to change and saw them as traitors and a threat to her life. This resulted in her implementing sterner laws against Catholics were enforced with penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment, torture and death (Campion and Holleran 11-14; Taylor-Smither 63; Thomas 147-48). King Philip II launched his Spanish Armada against England a year after the execution of Mary Stuart. This decision was not influenced by the execution of Mary Stuart. Rather, it was a result of the declining relationship between the two countries. Between the years of 1565 and 1566, many members of the Spanish nobles had demanded Philip II to forego the Spanish Inquisition because they viewed his measures against Protestantism as an attempt to extend Spanish control over the ecclesiastical affairs as a drive to undermine traditional privileges of Spain. This Inquisition was temporarily placed on hold due to the constant threats of the Turks to Spain. The moment the Turks signed a series of treaties with Spain, it gave King Philip II the opportunity to once again pursue his goal to expand Spanish rule over Europe (Doran â€Å"Elizabeth I and Foreign Policy, 1558-1603† 6-10). The relationship between Spain and England had begun to deteriorate as a result of a number of events that had occurred between King Philip II’s courtship to Queen Elizabeth I and the war between Spain and England. Among these events were the voyages of Francis Drake around the world which were secretly supported by Elizabeth I. On top of the products from the New World, Drake also looted the Spanish galleons he came across of which the Queen accepted a portion of when he returned from his journeys in 1580 (Doran â€Å"Elizabeth I and Foreign Policy, 1558-1603† 9). The Spanish Armada greatly outnumbered the English army because the population of England was significantly lower than that of Spain which resulted in fewer able men to be enlisted in the army. Also, the military technology of the English army was far behind than any other European countries and it was impossible for Queen Elizabeth I to maintain an army financially because during the four decades of her reign, most of the financial resources were allotted to the maintenance of the blend of politics, socializing and ceremonies that the Queen accomplished through travels around the kingdom (Cole 1; Doran â€Å"Elizabeth I and Foreign Policy, 1558-1603† 7; Frye 100; Thomas 160). As the Spanish Armada drew near, Elizabeth I gathered her small army and encouraged them with a short oration which is now known as the â€Å"Oration at Tilbury Camp. † This short speech was considered by most writers and historians accepted as one of the best speeches composed by a monarch in England’s history. The most striking line in the speech which was mentioned in the film, although reworded, was â€Å"I [†¦] come to lay down for my god, and for my [kingdom], and for my people, [my] honor and my blood in the dust [†¦] I know I have the body [†¦] of a weak and [feeble] woman, [but] I have the [heart] and [stomach] of a [king], and a [king] of England too [†¦]† (â€Å"Elizabeth: the Golden Age†; Frye 98; Green 424-26). Perhaps what made Queen Elizabeth I such an enigma for many historians and writers was her decision to remain unmarried, which is why she has been referred to in history as â€Å"the Virgin Queen. † Her decision to remain unmarried stretched down to her ladies-in-waiting and her courtiers such that, in order for them to be married, they must first seek the approval of the Queen. Those who married in secret would have to face the fury of the Queen and might even have to face imprisonment. Such was the case in the movie when she lashed out against Bess, her favorite lady-in-waiting and Walter Raleigh when she discovered they had not only married without her consent, but were expecting a child. Although there are no documentation discovered regarding the encounter between Queen Elizabeth I, Walter Raleigh and Bess, there are numerous accounts on the outbursts of anger the Queen exemplified upon the discovery of the secret marriages of the members of her court. The most documented was the incident between Queen Elizabeth I and one of her ladies-in-waiting named Mary Shelton. When Elizabeth I discovered Mary Shelton’s marriage to James Scudamore, she exploded and demanded why Mary Shelton or James Scudamore did not seek her approval before they got married. One eyewitness stated that Mary Shelton was hit profusely by the angered Queen and was attacked by the Queen with a candlestick which caused Mary Shelton’s finger to be broken (Doran â€Å"Monarchy and Matrimony† 5-6; â€Å"Elizabeth: the Golden Age†; Hammer 80-81). Historical records provided two reasons on why Queen Elizabeth I decided to remain unmarried throughout her reign. One is that it was her own decision in order to be able to concentrate all her attention to the affairs of the kingdom. This was evident in the speech that she had made at Parliament in 1559 when the members of Parliament presented her a petition to marry. She responded to this petition by stating that she was already married to her husband, the Kingdom of England. This being the case, she did not see any reason why she should still marry a man. Another reason historical records presented in connection to her choosing to remaining unmarried were her cousin, Mary Stuart and the circumstances surrounding her cousin’s marriage. As mentioned earlier, Mary Stuart’s marriage to her third husband led to a civil uprising in Scotland. After being defeated in the civil uprising, the Scottish lords forced Mary Stuart to abdicate the throne of Scotland and her title as Queen of Scotland. Queen Elizabeth I saw her cousin’s marriage as the primary cause of her cousin’s downfall and feared that should she marry, the same events might happen to her (Doran â€Å"Monarchy and Matrimony† 2; King 30-33; Taylor-Smither 61). Psychologists have also presented studies to explain Queen Elizabeth I’s decision to remain unmarried. Based on their findings, psychologists concluded that Queen Elizabeth I was a damaged human being, based on Sigmund Freud’s theory of personality. This damage occurred during her childhood when she witnessed not only her father, King Henry VIII, accusing her mother, Anne Boylen, of the crime of adultery, but also she witnessed her mother’s execution by beheading after she was tried and found guilty of the crime. This childhood memory affected Queen Elizabeth I’s personality such that she began to embody the traits of males. It also caused her to identify with males in terms of being dominant and exemplifying traits of fearlessness and being aggressive. Because of these personality traits that Queen Elizabeth I adopted and portrayed, it would make it impossible for her to become a wife and a mother because the personality traits that a wife and a mother during this period included being submissive to her husband and to the needs of her children. Psychologists have also noted her uncontrollable and sudden bursts of rage and mood swings. An example of this was seen in the film when she found out that her favorite lady-in-waiting, Bess, not only married Walter Raleigh, but also is expecting a child. This was also evident in historical records when she attacked her lady-in-waiting named Mary Shelton and James Scumadore upon learning that they married without first seeking her approval for their union. These events led modern-day psychologists to conclude that Queen Elizabeth I was suffering from clinical hysteria. This hysteria was brought about by the unconscious anxieties that she was experiencing as a result of her witnessing her mother’s trial and execution as well as by feelings of jealousy. This jealously was exemplified in the film when Queen Elizabeth I confided to Bess that she was envious of Bess because although she was a Queen, there were many things that her lady-in-waiting may enjoy which she, as a Queen, can never experience (Doran â€Å"Monarchy and Matrimony† 5-6; â€Å"Elizabeth: the Golden Age†; Hammer 81). In general, the depiction of the life of Queen Elizabeth I in the film â€Å"Elizabeth: the Golden Age† was acceptable, if not accurate. It showed the two sides of the Queen. On one hand, she was a fearless leader devoted to her country and her duties as Queen that she would rather sacrifice personal joys such as being married in order to concentrate on her obligations to her kingdom. She also proved that, in period where women are considered as inferior to men, a woman did not need a man by her side in order to rule a country. Her experiences during her childhood allowed her to develop important characteristics that a leader during this period must possess – dominance, ruthlessness, aggression and fearlessness. On the other hand, the film also depicted the Queen as an emotionally weak human being. The same childhood experiences that helped her develop her admirable qualities also caused her to become clinically hysterical based on the findings of modern-day psychologists. Her condition caused her to exemplify sudden emotional outbursts of rage which affected the lives of those who served her court with her outbursts at times causing harm to those who have remained loyal to her. However, the re-arrangement done in the film with regards on the timeline and reasons for events to occur may have provided confusing information for the viewers of the film since these events have been re-arranged just as Sir Walter Scott had done centuries before in order to correlate the events presented in the film to each other even if historical records showed otherwise. It can only be assumed that the re-arrangement and changes on the relationship of the events that occurred during the timeline presented in the film may have been done in order for the film to become more exciting to view and to highlight more on the positive qualities of the Queen which made her the most popular monarch of Western history. Works Cited Campion, Edmund and James V. Holleran. A Jesuit Challenge: Edmund Campion’s Debates at the Tower of London in 1581. New York: Fordham University Press, 1999. (4) Cole, Mary Hill. The Portable Queen: Elizabeth I and the Politics of Ceremony. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 1999. (2) Dobson, Michael and Nicola J. Watson. England’s Elizabeth: an Afterlife in Fame and Fantasy. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2003. (1) Doran, Susan. Elizabeth I and Foreign Policy, 1558-1603. New York: Routledge, 2000. (4) Doran, Susan. Monarchy and Matrimony: the Courtships of Elizabeth I. New York: Taylor & Francis Routledge, 1996. (3) Elizabeth: the Golden Age. Dir. Shekar Kapur. Perf. Cate Blanchett, Geoffry Rush, Abbie Cornish, and Samantha Morton. 2007. DVD. Universal Studios, 2008. (7) Frye, Susan. â€Å"The Myth of Elizabeth at Tilbury. † Sixteenth Century Journal. 23. 1 (1992): 95- 114. (2) Green, Janet M. â€Å"’I Myself’: Queen Elizabeth I’s Oration at Tilbury Camp. † Sixteenth Century Journal. 28. 2 (1997): 421-45. (1) Hammer, Paul E. J. â€Å"Sex and the Virgin Queen: Aristocratic Concupiscence and the Court of Elizabeth I. † Sixteenth Century Journal. 31. 1 (2000): 77-97. (2) King, John N. â€Å"Queen Elizabeth I: Representations of the Virgin Queen. † Renaissance Quarterly. 43. 1 (1990): 30-74. (1) Perry, Maria. The Word of a Prince: A Life of Elizabeth I from Contemporary Documents. Rochester, NY: Boydell and Brewer Ltd. , 1990. (1) Rozett, Martha Tuck. Constructing a World: Shakespeare England and the New Historical Fiction. Albany, NY: University of New York Press, 2003. (2) Taylor-Smither, Larissa J. â€Å"Elizabeth I: A Psychological Profile. † Sixteenth Century Journal. 15. 1 (1984): 47-72. (3) Thomas, Jane Rush. Behind the Mask: the Life of Queen Elizabeth I. New York: Houghton- Mifflin Trade and Reference, 1998. (2)